Monday 11 November 2013

Start Blogging With Free SEO Friendly Templates

Hello Friends, when you have determined to start work on a blog and you have selected a very good niche topic which is searched a bundle, then you should make a decision which platform to decide.
There are two famous platforms on the Internet.
Here, I would inform you how to get started with a Blogger Blog.

Start your Blogging with Blogger

Follow these steps underneath:

  • Go to
  • Sign in or Sign Up (Use Gmail Account)
  • Click on �Create a New Blog�
  • You are done!
Now, you have entered involved in the internet world.

Prefer a Best Blogger Template

When you have ongoing blogging, you will come to identify how to create Blogger templates . Therefore, we suggest you to choose a Best Blogger Template. 
Creating template in a blogger blog is not a complicated. Used CSS and HTML codes. 
There are two options given in Template division on blogger Dashboard:
  • Design a Template
  • Edit HTML

Layout of your Blogger Template

layout of your blogger templates 
  • The above layout design has been successful, SEO and it is user friendly.
Finishing Lines:
  • In header section, do not use image that could damage your Blogger Title. Try to have both of them i.e. �image and text�. Your blog title must be in text form as Google crawlers cannot read an image but its name. So you must know the importance of your blog title. 
  • Your blog title must be in "h1" blog title.
  • Always used SEO friendly blogger template. 

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